Atlanta, GA

2021 Trend Overview




The desire for practicality and comfort really stand out as we purchase large chunky sofas, explore recycled material and textile options, incorporate more terra-cotta pieces adding much needed warmth and heft, draw inspiration from architecture across the globe and create a space for ourselves that embodies the idea of Natural Luxury. We now grasp the importance of making ourselves feel good, and as we learn how to do so through design, we implement many ideas rooted in minimalist and Japanese culture. We are beginning to understand the need for a calm space and are working to figure out how to create that for ourselves. There is no right or wrong here, but we would like to give you a couple of things to ponder on your personal journey


By now you may have noticed that the big design trends this year are about embodying a set of values rather than mimicking a specific aesthetic. Somewhere in the midst of floral wallpapers, natural hues, bold statement ceilings, contrasting trim, arched doorways, mirrors and shelves; there is a consideration for the individuality of the space and the person who it serves. Stay true to you and explore pieces from the time your home was built. Doing so can really play up the unique architectural style of your home creating a better overall flow.


First, consider you. What are your personal preferences? How would you describe your personality? What are some things that bring about nostalgia for you? What makes you smile? Take the time to write these things down. Once you feel like you’ve gathered some inspiration, consider the pieces you already have and love. Maybe some of these pieces aren't being utilized to their full potential. Take inventory and give yourself permission to experiment moving pieces into different rooms. Consider stripping a room to its essentials and bringing in only what you love seeing every single day. From there you can decide what your needs and goals are.


As a general rule, keep large scale pieces neutral so the look of the room can easily be changed through a quick swap of art and accessories. As we gear up for this new world chapter, we may find ourselves growing tired of our surroundings more quickly than before. For this reason, see if you can find some versatility even in the small accessory purchases. If you grow tired of them in one space, could you put them elsewhere in the home to give them new life? 


As many of our lives shift to include working from home, often cooking at home and even homeschooling, we start to pay more attention to the way we utilize our space. For many of us, things come up that make us really question the design choices we made in the past. Guest bedrooms, garages, old storage sheds and closets are being revamped into offices and studio spaces all over the world. Yards are not only serving us as a place for sunbathing, we’re also seeing a huge increase in the amount of gardens being planted. There’s a bigger demand for modular furniture driven by an increase in curiosity about the ways in which we interact with our spaces. Many brands now offer more sustainable options and we’re noticing some really unique ways of repurposing an array of different materials.


So yes, while it's inevitable that we are returning back to nature we don’t expect to see a huge wave of primitive living practices. However, we are embracing some important ideas. As awareness rises and the importance of sustainability becomes something we can no longer ignore, we lean towards being better consumers, neighbors and friends. The importance of a space that very much feels like a sanctuary is more crucial now than ever before and there is scientific evidence to support a need to connect with nature. Consequently we’re choosing smarter, shopping smaller, recycling more and wasting less.