Finding Your Personal Style
There are so many interior design style quizzes out there. Some based on your selections from a curated set of images, and others relying on information gathered from things like your astrological sign. Unfortunately, more often than not the results of these quizzes jam participants into a category which doesn't ever quite feel right; leaving us less than satisfied. Our homes are generally melting pots of various styles, and it can be hard to know exactly how to articulate their uniqueness. The key to a cohesive interior is consistency from the front door in. This is why it's so important to identify the common threads in the items that speak to you. Aiming to replicate and incorporate those common threads is an almost foolproof way to create a good mix of styles and influences. Regardless of where you are on your interior design style discovery journey, we think these tips will help you define your individual style.
Design is deeply rooted in psychology, as a result, we may sometimes have a physical response to something in our visual environment. These responses are often subtle so paying attention is the key. If something about the room doesn't feel right, step back and try to identify it. Scale and color are some of the most common elements of design to elicit a physical response, but everyone's a little different. Here are some things to consider:
Look for drastic height and width differences in elements around the room
Notice the colors you are most drawn to. Are the colors catching your attention exciting or distracting?
Does anything feel too full or not full enough?
Is there anything in particular that bothers you about what you see? How can you fix/change it?
Note your most and least favorite design elements and any similarities between them
We always recommend stripping a room to its essentials and slowly bringing items back in. Only bring in items you love to help you determine what gaps and needs are present
Our personal style is often the most apparent in our wardrobes and it makes total sense! Our bodies interact with the world on a daily basis, and we dress them accordingly. This is a good place to look for your style priorities. If you’re someone who doesn't care much about how they present themselves, you’re still making a fashion statement. On the flip side, you may be someone who is willing to make sacrifices for a fashion statement. There's nothing wrong with prioritizing comfort over style or aesthetics over practicality, but it will only work as an interior design strategy if it's true to who you really are. Ask yourself these questions:
What colors and textures you are drawn to in clothing?
Are your color choices shade specific? If so, identify similarities
Are you someone who prefers a pattern?
What pieces in your closet feel most like a representation of you? What specifically about them do you identify with? (Fit, feel, color, practicality, etc.)
We often recommend that our clients pay some respects to the era in which their home was constructed and the region in which the architectural style originated. Doing so can be done in many ways and is intended to highlight the architectural features of the home; producing an overall feeling of effortlessness in the design scheme. This is especially true when applied to the large scale pieces you don't plan changing as often. Identifying which home exteriors make your heart pound will help you narrow down your design style. Take inventory as you go about your day and keep an eye out for any patterns in your preferences
Notice the lines, colors and general regions of the architecture. See what similarities come up and be open to exploring them further
Look up the design trends during the year your home was built or pictures of the place where the architectural style originated and see what you find. Chances are you were drawn to the house you live in now for reasons which may not have been evident to you before
Now that you’ve done a little soul searching, and hopefully note taking, the fun begins! It’s time to put what you learned into action. This can be experimentation through moving things around in your home or simply a future planning activity where you create a mood board showcasing your favorite elements. Your approach should be focused around your specific priorities and the function the space will ultimately serve. Remember that there is nothing wrong with taking your sweet time. Once you have a list of preferences, we recommend learning about what each style category embodies. Here is a great blog post with brief descriptions of each style to help you narrow it down.
P.S - instead of defining your personal style with a statement like “Oh I don't know, it's just a mix of things.” you can say things that sound more like “Well I’m generally drawn to global color influences in accessories and textiles, especially warm dusty tones, but prefer a more minimal overall approach. I like an airy space and light colored walls. I’m very intentional about my art and only display a few of my favorite pieces at a time. My furnishings reflect the architectural style of my home, leaning on the mid-century side, with some industrial influences in my lighting choices.” I promise you this sort of knowledge about your personal preferences will yield some interesting conversations, beautiful interiors, and likely inspire the people around you to pay more attention to their immediate environments.